The Parthenon - Southeast

The Parthenon - Southeast

The Parthenon - northeast. Original: Graphite on Canson multimedia paper. 2019.

Rendered in graphite on toned paper, the Parthenon’s ancient majesty comes to life. The Doric columns and intricate marble sculptures echo Athens' Golden Age. Built between 447-432 BC, it was dedicated to Athena, the city's patron goddess, and has served as a temple, church, and mosque over the centuries. Each pencil stroke mirrors the awe inspired by this architectural masterpiece, showcasing its timeless beauty and historical significance. 
I love working on paper that I’ve toned myself with a light dusting of charcoal dust or graphite. For one thing, it removes the intimidating effects of getting started on a pristine white page of paper. But more importantly, it allows me to use the eraser as another drawing tool to bring up highlights, especially important to show the sun-drenched Parthenon in its glory. 
Disclaimer: This is one of the few inspirations I’ve drawn which I haven’t actually seen ... yet! The lovely and dynamic reference photos I used were provided by my dear friend Julie and her husband, Dan during a much beloved visit to Greece. Thanks in part to them, Greece is now very high on my list of must-sees. 

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The Parthenon - southeast (Canvas)
The Parthenon - southeast (Canvas) Sale priceFrom $45.95 USD