The Parthenon - Northeast

Rendered in graphite on toned paper, the Parthenon’s ancient majesty comes to life. The Doric columns and intricate marble sculptures echo Athens' Golden Age. Built between 447-432 BC, it was dedicated to Athena, the city's patron goddess, and has served as a temple, church, and mosque over the centuries. Each pencil stroke mirrors the awe inspired by this architectural masterpiece, showcasing its timeless beauty and historical significance. 
I love working on paper that I’ve toned myself with a light dusting of charcoal dust or graphite. For one thing, it removes the intimidating effects of getting started on a pristine white page of paper. But more importantly, it allows me to use the eraser as another drawing tool to bring up highlights, especially important to show the sun-drenched Parthenon in its glory. 
Disclaimer: This is one of the few inspirations I’ve drawn which I haven’t actually seen ... yet! The lovely and dynamic reference photos I used were provided by my dear friend Julie and her husband, Dan during a much beloved visit to Greece. Thanks in part to them, Greece is now very high on my list of must-sees. 

4 products

The Parthenon - northeast (Canvas)
The Parthenon - northeast (Canvas) Sale priceFrom €40,95 EUR